Download OpenAPI specification:
A bearer token will need to be included in the Authorization header of every request. Tokens are valid for 1 hour, so it is recommended to acquire a token and use it until a 401 Unauthorized response is received and then acquire a new token to use on subsequent requests. To acquire a token, use your provided Client Id and Client Secret for the environment you will be making requests to (Test or Production). POST to the following URLs to acquire a token.
Example Request:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: {length of request body}
grant_type=client_credentials&scope={Scope for Test or Production}&client_id={Your ClientId}&client_secret={Your Client Secret}
"Message": "Pickup date cannot be in the past."
Unit Types
Available unit types. i.e. Pallets, Boxes, etc.
Sample request:
GET /Entities/GetUnitTypes HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
{- "unitTypes": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "description": "string"
Accessorial Services
Available accessorial services. i.e. Liftgate Pickup, Inside Pickup, etc.
Sample request:
GET /Entities/GetAccessorialServices HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
{- "accessorialServices": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "description": "string"
Hazmat Classes
Available hazmat classes. i.e. Corrosive Materials, Oxidizer, etc.
Sample request:
GET /Entities/GetHazmatClasses HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
{- "hazmatClasses": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "description": "string"
Shipment Reference Numbers
Available shipment reference numbers. i.e. PO Number, Shipper Reference, etc.
Sample request:
GET /Entities/GetShipmentReferenceNumberTypes HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
{- "shipmentReferenceNumberTypes": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "description": "string"
Order Services
Available order services. i.e. SAME DAY, INTERMODAL, etc.
Sample request:
GET /Entities/GetOrderServiceTypes HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
{- "shipmentReferenceNumberTypes": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "description": "string"
Query for LTL rates
It is recommended to provide as much detail as possible in the rate request, but most rates can be acquired for a zip to zip lane and class/ weight.
If you intend to utilize the ShipQuote method to convert a quote into a live shipment, you will need to make sure the quote was originally created with full address and freight information.
Sample zip to zip request:
GET /Ltl/GetLtlRates HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Length: {length of request body}
"PickupWindow": {
"Date": "2020-12-15"
"Shipper": {
"CountryCode": "USA",
"PostalCode": "53089"
"Consignee": {
"CountryCode": "USA",
"PostalCode": "60440"
"FreightItems": [
"Class": 55,
"WeightInPounds": 1500
Sample response:
"quoteNumber": "ORD3366341QUO",
"carrierRateOptions": [
"carrierScacCode": "FXFE",
"estimatedServiceDays": 1,
"totalCharge": 186.2,
"rateDetails": [
"description": "Base Rate",
"charge": 524.3
"description": "Discount",
"charge": -368.57
"description": "Discount",
"charge": -2.1
"description": "Fuel Surcharge",
"charge": 32.57
required | object (DateTimeWindow) |
required | object (LocationRequest) |
required | object (LocationRequest) |
required | Array of objects (FreightItemRequest) |
accessorialServices | Array of integers or null <int32> [ items <int32 > ] See /Entities/GetAccessorialServices for available accessorial services. |
Array of objects or null (ShipmentReferenceNumber) See /Entities/GetShipmentReferenceNumberTypes for shipment reference numbers. |
{- "pickupWindow": {
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "readyTime": "14:15:22Z",
- "closeTime": "14:15:22Z"
}, - "shipper": {
- "name": "string",
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "stateCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "attentionToName": "string",
- "attentionToPhone": "string"
}, - "consignee": {
- "name": "string",
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "stateCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "attentionToName": "string",
- "attentionToPhone": "string"
}, - "freightItems": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "class": 0.1,
- "nmfc": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "unitTypeId": 0,
- "weightInPounds": 0.1,
- "lengthInches": 0.1,
- "widthInches": 0.1,
- "heightInches": 0.1,
- "pieces": 0,
- "declaredValue": 0.1,
- "isHazmat": true,
- "linearFeet": 0.1,
- "additionalDimensions": [
- {
- "lengthInches": 0.1,
- "widthInches": 0.1,
- "heightInches": 0.1,
- "units": 0,
- "unitTypeId": 0
], - "hazmatDetails": {
- "properShippingName": "string",
- "unNaNumber": "string",
- "hazmatGroup": 0,
- "hazmatClass": 0,
- "emsNumber": "string",
- "hazmat24HourContact": "string",
- "hazmat24HourPhone": "string",
- "placardDetails": "string",
- "flashpointTemperatureFahrenheit": 0.1,
- "hazmatComments": "string"
], - "accessorialServices": [
- 0
], - "shipmentReferenceNumbers": [
- {
- "shipmentReferenceNumberTypeId": 0,
- "shipmentReferenceNumberValue": "string"
{- "quoteNumber": "string",
- "carrierRateOptions": [
- {
- "carrierScacCode": "string",
- "carrierName": "string",
- "estimatedServiceDays": 0,
- "totalCharge": 0.1,
- "rateDetails": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "charge": 0.1
], - "errorMessage": "string",
- "success": true
Convert a quote to a shipment
If a quote was created with all required information to ship, you can create a shipment using the quote number and the carrier SCAC that you are selecting to ship with.
First call /Ltl/GetLtlRates with all shipment information included in the request.
Then call ShipQuote with that quote number and your selected carrier.
Sample /Ltl/GetLtlRates with all required shipment information included in the request:
GET /Ltl/GetLtlRates HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {Your access_token}
Content-Length: {length of request body}
"PickupWindow": {
"Date": "2020-12-15",
"ReadyTime": "09:00:00",
"CloseTime": "16:00:00"
"Shipper": {
"Name": "SHIPPER",
"Address1": "123 TEST PICKUP",
"City": "SUSSEX",
"StateCode": "WI",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"PostalCode": "53089",
"AttentionToName": "JIM",
"AttentionToPhone": "1234567890"
"Consignee": {
"Name": "CONSIGNEE",
"Address1": "123 TEST DELIVERY",
"StateCode": "IL",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"PostalCode": "60440",
"AttentionToName": "MIKE",
"AttentionToPhone": "1234567890"
"FreightItems": [
"Description": "FREIGHT",
"Class": 55,
"Quantity": 1,
"UnitTypeId": 1,
"WeightInPounds": 1500,
"LengthInches": 48,
"WidthInches": 48,
"HeightInches": 48
Sample /Ltl/GetLtlRates response:
"quoteNumber": "ORD3176918QUO",
"carrierRateOptions": [
"carrierScacCode": "FXFE",
"estimatedServiceDays": 1,
"totalCharge": 186.2,
"rateDetails": [
"description": "Base Rate",
"charge": 524.3
"description": "Discount",
"charge": -368.57
"description": "Discount",
"charge": -2.1
"description": "Fuel Surcharge",
"charge": 32.57
Sample request:
POST /Ltl/ShipQuote HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {Your access_token}
Content-Length: {length of request body}
"QuoteNumber": "ORD3176918QUO",
"CarrierScacCode": "FXFE",
"includeBillOfLadingDocument": false
Sample response:
"shipmentNumber": "ORD3176919",
"carrierPro": "62341392",
"carrierPickupNumber": "2401254",
"bolFileName": null,
"bolFileData": null
quoteNumber | string or null |
carrierScacCode | string or null |
includeBillOfLadingDocument | boolean Indicate if you want a pdf BOL document returned in the response. |
prescheduledPickup | boolean If you schedule the pickup with the carrier and do not need Haulistic to tender the shipment to the carrier, set this to true. |
carrierProNumber | string or null If you use your own Pro numbers and do not want Haulistic to assign a new one for the carrier, you can include your Pro number in this property. |
{- "quoteNumber": "string",
- "carrierScacCode": "string",
- "includeBillOfLadingDocument": true,
- "prescheduledPickup": true,
- "carrierProNumber": "string"
{- "shipmentNumber": "string",
- "carrierPro": "string",
- "carrierPickupNumber": "string",
- "bolFileName": "string",
- "bolFileData": "string",
- "errorMessage": "string",
- "success": true,
- "carrierQuoteNumber": "string"
Create a shipment without quoting first
This allows creating a shipment immediately without first doing a rate request.
All shipment information will need to be included in the request as well as the desired carrier.
Sample request:
POST /Ltl/CreateShipment HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {Your access_token}
Content-Length: {length of request body}
"PickupWindow": {
"Date": "2020-12-20",
"ReadyTime": "08:00:00",
"CloseTime": "14:00:00"
"Shipper": {
"Name": "TEST",
"Address1": "123 Test AVE",
"City": "SUSSEX",
"StateCode": "WI",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"PostalCode": "53089",
"AttentionToName": "BOB",
"AttentionToPhone": "1234567890"
"Consignee": {
"Name": "TEST dest",
"Address1": "123 Test AVE",
"Address2": null,
"StateCode": "IL",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"PostalCode": "60440",
"AttentionToName": "DAVE",
"AttentionToPhone": "1234567890"
"CarrierScacCode": "RDFS",
"PickupSpecialInstructions": "Pickup prior to 2pm",
"DeliverySpecialInstructions": "Dock door 4",
"FreightItems": [
"Description": "FREIGHT",
"Class": 55,
"Quantity": 1,
"UnitTypeId": 1,
"WeightInPounds": 1500,
"LengthInches": 48,
"WidthInches": 48,
"HeightInches": 48,
"DeclaredValue": 15000,
"IsHazmat": false
"includeBillOfLadingDocument": false
Sample response:
"shipmentNumber": "ORD3176920",
"carrierPro": "85236552",
"carrierPickupNumber": "12444",
"bolFileName": null,
"bolFileData": null
object (DateTimeWindow) | |
object (LocationRequest) | |
object (LocationRequest) | |
carrierScacCode | string or null |
pickupSpecialInstructions | string or null |
deliverySpecialInstructions | string or null |
Array of objects or null (FreightItemRequest) | |
accessorialServices | Array of integers or null <int32> [ items <int32 > ] See /Entities/GetAccessorialServices for available accessorial services. |
Array of objects or null (ShipmentReferenceNumber) See /Entities/GetShipmentReferenceNumberTypes for shipment reference numbers. | |
includeBillOfLadingDocument | boolean Indicate if you want a pdf BOL document returned in the response. |
prescheduledPickup | boolean If you schedule the pickup with the carrier and do not need Haulistic to tender the shipment to the carrier, set this to true. |
carrierProNumber | string or null If you use your own Pro numbers and do not want Haulistic to assign a new one for the carrier, you can include your Pro number in this property. |
{- "pickupWindow": {
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "readyTime": "14:15:22Z",
- "closeTime": "14:15:22Z"
}, - "shipper": {
- "name": "string",
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "stateCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "attentionToName": "string",
- "attentionToPhone": "string"
}, - "consignee": {
- "name": "string",
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "stateCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "attentionToName": "string",
- "attentionToPhone": "string"
}, - "carrierScacCode": "string",
- "pickupSpecialInstructions": "string",
- "deliverySpecialInstructions": "string",
- "freightItems": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "class": 0.1,
- "nmfc": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "unitTypeId": 0,
- "weightInPounds": 0.1,
- "lengthInches": 0.1,
- "widthInches": 0.1,
- "heightInches": 0.1,
- "pieces": 0,
- "declaredValue": 0.1,
- "isHazmat": true,
- "linearFeet": 0.1,
- "additionalDimensions": [
- {
- "lengthInches": 0.1,
- "widthInches": 0.1,
- "heightInches": 0.1,
- "units": 0,
- "unitTypeId": 0
], - "hazmatDetails": {
- "properShippingName": "string",
- "unNaNumber": "string",
- "hazmatGroup": 0,
- "hazmatClass": 0,
- "emsNumber": "string",
- "hazmat24HourContact": "string",
- "hazmat24HourPhone": "string",
- "placardDetails": "string",
- "flashpointTemperatureFahrenheit": 0.1,
- "hazmatComments": "string"
], - "accessorialServices": [
- 0
], - "shipmentReferenceNumbers": [
- {
- "shipmentReferenceNumberTypeId": 0,
- "shipmentReferenceNumberValue": "string"
], - "includeBillOfLadingDocument": true,
- "prescheduledPickup": true,
- "carrierProNumber": "string"
{- "shipmentNumber": "string",
- "carrierPro": "string",
- "carrierPickupNumber": "string",
- "bolFileName": "string",
- "bolFileData": "string",
- "errorMessage": "string",
- "success": true,
- "carrierQuoteNumber": "string"
Retrieve the status of a shipment
This will return the status of an LTL shipment either by the original QE order number or the QE Pro number that was returned from either Ltl/CreateShipment or Ltl/ShipQuote.
Provide only one of those as criteria in the request.
Populate either HaulisticOrderNumber or HaulisticProNumber.
The overall shipment status will be returned in the response (Planning, Enroute, Delivered).
It will also include a list of shipment activity which will show information provided back from the carrier and can include events such as pickup, arrival/departure at carrier terminals and delivery.
Sample request:
GET /Ltl/GetShipmentStatus HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {Your access_token}
Content-Length: {length of request body}
"HaulisticOrderNumber": " ORD3370333"
Sample response:
"haulisticOrderNumber": "ORD3370333",
"haulisticProNumber": "QE1970844",
"status": "Delivered",
"activity": [
"carrierScac": "FXNL",
"carrierPro": "368818142",
"activityDate": "2020-12-11T01:25:00",
"city": "Newburgh",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US",
"activityComment": "In transit",
"statusCode": "IN_TRANSIT",
"statusDescription": "IN_TRANSIT",
"reasonCode": null,
"reasonDescription": null
"carrierScac": "FXNL",
"carrierPro": "368818142",
"activityDate": "2020-12-11T09:14:00",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US",
"activityComment": "Delivered",
"statusCode": "COMPLETED",
"statusDescription": "COMPLETED",
"reasonCode": "DELIVERED",
"reasonDescription": "DELIVERED"
haulisticOrderNumber | string or null |
haulisticProNumber | string or null |
{- "haulisticOrderNumber": "string",
- "haulisticProNumber": "string"
{- "haulisticOrderNumber": "string",
- "haulisticProNumber": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "activity": [
- {
- "carrierScac": "string",
- "carrierPro": "string",
- "activityDate": "2019-08-24",
- "city": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "activityComment": "string",
- "statusCode": "string",
- "statusDescription": "string",
- "reasonCode": "string",
- "reasonDescription": "string"
Retrieve the POD for a shipment
This will return the POD document if we have one available for the shipment.
Populate HaulisticOrderNumber in the request.
If we do not have a POD document for the shipment, PodExists will be false.
If we do have a POD document, PodExists will be true.
The filename and document data will also be returned.The document is returned in pdf format.
Sample request:
GET /Ltl/GetProofOfDeliveryDocument HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {Your access_token}
Content-Length: {length of request body}
"HaulisticOrderNumber": " ORD3370333"
Sample response:
"podExists": true,
"fileName": "ORD3370333-POD.pdf",
"podFileData": []
haulisticOrderNumber | string or null |
{- "haulisticOrderNumber": "string"
{- "podExists": true,
- "podFileData": "string",
- "fileName": "string"
Customers needing to ship Shipment based freight should contact their Haulistic representative for access to this collection of APIs.
Create a shipment
This allows creating a shipment immediately.
All shipment information will need to be included in the request.
Sample request:
POST /Shipment/CreateShipment HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {Your access_token}
Content-Length: {length of request body}
"OrderServiceId": 3,
"Shipper": {
"Name": "TEST",
"Address1": "123 Test AVE",
"Address2": null,
"City": "WAUKESHA",
"StateCode": "WI",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"PostalCode": "53188",
"AttentionToName": "Jim",
"AttentionToPhone": "1234567890"
"PickupWindow": {
"Date": "2025-12-01",
"ReadyTime": "06:00:00",
"CloseTime": "17:00:00"
"PickupSpecialInstructions": "PickupSpecialInstructions",
"Consignee": {
"Name": "TEST dest",
"Address1": "123 Test AVE",
"Address2": null,
"City": "SUSSEX",
"StateCode": "WI",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"PostalCode": "53089",
"AttentionToName": "Mike",
"AttentionToPhone": "1234567890"
"DeliveryWindow": {
"Date": "2025-12-10",
"ReadyTime": "06:00:00",
"CloseTime": "17:00:00"
"DeliverySpecialInstructions": "DeliverySpecialInstructions",
"FreightItems": [
"Description": "FREIGHT",
"WeightInPounds": 1500,
"Class": 55,
"Quantity": 1,
"UnitTypeId": 1,
"LengthInches": 48,
"WidthInches": 48,
"HeightInches": 48
"ShipmentReferenceNumbers": [
"ShipmentReferenceNumberTypeId": 1,
"ShipmentReferenceNumberValue": "Value"
Sample response:
"success": true,
"orderNumber": "ORD8540443",
"errors": null
orderServiceId required | integer <int32> See /Entities/GetOrderServiceTypes for order services. |
required | object (LocationRequest) |
required | object (DateTimeWindow) |
pickupSpecialInstructions | string or null |
object (LocationRequest) | |
required | object (DateTimeWindow) |
deliverySpecialInstructions | string or null |
required | Array of objects (CreateShipmentRequestFreightItem) |
Array of objects or null (ShipmentReferenceNumber) See /Entities/GetShipmentReferenceNumberTypes for shipment reference numbers. |
{- "orderServiceId": 0,
- "shipper": {
- "name": "string",
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "stateCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "attentionToName": "string",
- "attentionToPhone": "string"
}, - "pickupWindow": {
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "readyTime": "14:15:22Z",
- "closeTime": "14:15:22Z"
}, - "pickupSpecialInstructions": "string",
- "consignee": {
- "name": "string",
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "stateCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "attentionToName": "string",
- "attentionToPhone": "string"
}, - "deliveryWindow": {
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "readyTime": "14:15:22Z",
- "closeTime": "14:15:22Z"
}, - "deliverySpecialInstructions": "string",
- "freightItems": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "weightInPounds": 0.1,
- "class": 0.1,
- "quantity": 0,
- "unitTypeId": 0,
- "lengthInches": 0.1,
- "widthInches": 0.1,
- "heightInches": 0.1
], - "shipmentReferenceNumbers": [
- {
- "shipmentReferenceNumberTypeId": 0,
- "shipmentReferenceNumberValue": "string"
{- "success": true,
- "orderNumber": "string",
- "errors": [
- "string"
Retrieve the status of a shipment
This will return the status of a shipment by the original QE order number that was returned from Shipment/CreateShipment.
The overall shipment status will be returned in the response (Planning, Enroute, Delivered).
If proof of delivery was obtained, PodDate will be populated.
Sample request:
GET /Shipment/GetShipmentStatus HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {Your access_token}
Content-Length: {length of request body}
"HaulisticOrderNumber": " ORD3370333"
Sample response:
"status": "Delivered",
"podDate": "2025-02-07T08:00:00",
"locationUpdates": [
"date": "2025-02-04T15:00:00",
"locationName": "NAME",
"address": "123 MAIN ST",
"city": "WARRENVILLE",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "60555",
"countryCode": "US",
"portCode": null
"date": "2025-02-04T17:00:00",
"locationName": "CHICAGO",
"address": null,
"city": "CHICAGO",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "60018",
"countryCode": "US",
"portCode": "ORD"
haulisticOrderNumber | string or null |
{- "haulisticOrderNumber": "string"
{- "status": "string",
- "podDate": "2019-08-24",
- "locationUpdates": [
- {
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "locationName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "zip": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "portCode": "string"
Customers needing to ship Truckload freight should contact their Haulistic representative for access to this collection of APIs.
externalIdentifier | string or null |
equipmentIds | Array of integers or null <int32> [ items <int32 > ] |
serviceLevels | Array of integers or null <int32> [ items <int32 > ] |
containerIds | Array of integers or null <int32> [ items <int32 > ] |
scheduledDroppedTrailerDate | string or null <date> |
lumperComment | string or null |
specialServiceIds | Array of integers or null <int32> [ items <int32 > ] |
Array of objects or null (TruckloadShipmentRequest) | |
quoteNumber | string or null |
{- "externalIdentifier": "string",
- "equipmentIds": [
- 0
], - "serviceLevels": [
- 0
], - "containerIds": [
- 0
], - "scheduledDroppedTrailerDate": "2019-08-24",
- "lumperComment": "string",
- "specialServiceIds": [
- 0
], - "shipments": [
- {
- "externalIdentifier": "string",
- "pickup": {
- "location": {
- "name": "string",
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "stateCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "attentionToName": "string",
- "attentionToPhone": "string"
}, - "dateStart": "2019-08-24",
- "dateEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "specialInstructions": "string",
- "appointmentTypeId": 0,
- "appointmentNumber": "string"
}, - "delivery": {
- "location": {
- "name": "string",
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "stateCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "attentionToName": "string",
- "attentionToPhone": "string"
}, - "dateStart": "2019-08-24",
- "dateEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "specialInstructions": "string",
- "appointmentTypeId": 0,
- "appointmentNumber": "string"
}, - "freightItems": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "class": 0.1,
- "nmfc": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "unitTypeId": 0,
- "weightInPounds": 0.1,
- "lengthInches": 0.1,
- "widthInches": 0.1,
- "heightInches": 0.1,
- "pieces": 0,
- "declaredValue": 0.1,
- "isHazmat": true,
- "linearFeet": 0.1,
- "additionalDimensions": [
- {
- "lengthInches": 0.1,
- "widthInches": 0.1,
- "heightInches": 0.1,
- "units": 0,
- "unitTypeId": 0
], - "hazmatDetails": {
- "properShippingName": "string",
- "unNaNumber": "string",
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Array of objects or null (TruckloadShipmentRequest) | |
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object (TruckloadRequest) | |
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